11 February 2009

An Office Pet

This afternoon, I've spent most of my office hours flitting between grading tests, planning lessons, and writing tests. Throughout the afternoon, I've had a constant companion: a little orange ladybug with 14 spots, 7 on each side. I'm convinced that it wants my job. I lift a test to grade, and it's beat me to the task. I go to pick up my pen - there's the ladybug perched on the tip, perhaps tasting a bit of the purple ink. (In solidarity with my mother, a spunky 4th grade teacher, I prefer to grade in purple... but, alas, with considerably less spunkiness.) As I type this, the ladybug crawls perilously across the keyboard, barely dodging my impulsive key-punching. It just attempted to ascend my headphone chords ("whatcha listenin' to?"), but got scared away by my hair (and, honestly, who can blame it?). Now, it's disappeared... maybe it's responding to those e-mails I've been neglecting. (Well, it could at least make itself useful!)

Okay, back to those tests...


Lisa said...

That sounds like a busy little bug. Keeping you company is such a thoughtful thing to do. And why have ladybugs turned orange these last 10 years? Are they malnourished?

mad4books said...

Lisa had me worried about the little ORANGE(!) ladybug in your office, scurrying around the electronic devices--looking in vain for some source of nourishment before it died a slow, horrible death of withering starvation.

So I released a box of aphids in your office this morning. (You can thank me later.)

See you Sunday after next at HOPE! (Out of town again this weekend...)

Kelli said...

Yes! New office pets! (Or should I say pests?)

It may be too late - I haven't seen my ladybug friend in a couple of days...