22 February 2007

This week, I can't get these lyrics out of my mind. Mostly because Keith - our neighbor in the library carrel area - is always playing "All Because of You" by U2 pretty much every day in his nearby study space. (Not complaining - I like that song.) But also because I really connect with these lyrics in light of my (thus far) incompetent work on my comprehesive exam briefs:

"An intellectual tortoise
Racing with your bullet train"

In other words, comps is eating my lunch. But there's this dim light at the end of the tunnel... growing slightly brighter every day...

It just struck me that the next line in the song is something like, "Some people get squashed crossing the tracks." Hmm... I hope that I don't end up feeling like that part of the song really speaks to me!


Katherine said...

I missed you, too-I slept right through it! The sermon went really well-I enjoyed it more than I thought I ever would. We will have to talk later! Hope you are having a wonderful day and that comps do not eat you alive! Love and blessings~

Katherine said...
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Kelli said...

Yea, Kat - comps should be satisfied with just eating my lunch - no need to go after me too!

For the record, Kat posted the same thing twice - that's why I removed it. ;)

Katherine said...

Yep, blogger was being stubborn or...I just wanted to make sure my message got across ;)

Amber Lee said...


Comprehensive exam briefs...sounds intense! Good luck. I love how hard you work at what you do. And I love how you know when to play, too. Keep up the good work, friend.