19 January 2007

I was pushing a rather serious post through my mind this evening... until lil' Russell saved me from my sober thoughts! He forwarded absurd winter pictures and made me laugh instead! (Aren't little brothers fabulous?!) In light of our recent unabated wintry weather, I thought these pics especially appropriate:

Don't you just want to run up and slide a pillow underneath this lady?! (I guess photographer didn't think so!)

Serene cenobites turned snowball-wielding holy terrors! YES!!! (Sort of makes me want to hang out with them.) Has anyone seen those "Nuns Having Fun" calendars? I've been thinking about how great one would look in the ol' library study room... Did I see them at Target? Or was it a bookstore? In Abilene or Atlanta? Hmm...

I also liked this one:

I mean, who needs a fridge anyway?! I'm glad I live in Texas where it doesn't snow quite that much! How much does it snow in New Hampshire? Maybe DPS will be sending us pictures like these sometime soon?!

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