28 February 2010

This is for you, Amber Joy.

It seems that I’m even an insufferable, pedantic nerd in my dreams.  It’s pretty rare for me to remember my dreams, but I did this morning.  Here’s what happened, as far as I can now recall:

My dear friend Amber and I are walking through a field of tall grass with a scraggly, leafless tree in the middle of it.  For some reason, there were a lot of birds in this dream, and I think they could talk.  They were plump and mangy.  The mangiest birds I’d ever laid eyes on.  [Come to think of it, the time when I lived with Amber was full of birds – mourning doves in the house and chickens in the yard – so I guess it fits somehow.]

Amber turns to me and asks, “Is there any evidence in Genesis chapters 1-11 for the existence of Smurfs?”  I look quizzical, so she explains further,  “My friend says she believes God created Smurfs and that Genesis says so.”  She gestures vaguely toward the birds in the tree.  I look at them and raise an eyebrow – one of the birds told her this?

I think for a minute, giving her question due consideration, then I cock my head slightly to the right and respond very sensibly and seriously, “Well, I guess since we’re not really sure what range of colors the Hebrew word translated as ‘blue’ really encompasses, it would be hard to argue for the existence of Smurfs in Genesis.”

Amber willingly accepts this explanation, and we walk on through the field, out of hearing range of those mangy, delusional birds.  

It's nice to know that such penetrating theological questions fill my dreams as well as my waking hours.


laura said...

HAAAAAA HA HA HA HA!!! Oh goodness. Thanks for the good laugh! I needed it to distract me from comps for a moment...
Hope you are doing well!

Tera said...

I just about fell out of my seat. I second Laura's thanks for the good laugh.

Mike and Amy said...

I think you are under too much pressure at school, ha ha. It reminded me of the dream I had while studying for the bar exam - the one about monkeys with neon fur. You are hilarious.

Kelli said...

Monkeys with neon fur?! I did not hear about that one!!!

dps said...

I'm afraid none of us can escape the GST's impact on our psyches... What are the theological implications of only one female Smurf?

Unknown said...

I've been laughing about this week ALL WEEK!
Maybe they were samhill cranes?

Lisa said...

lol. This is too funny. I could see this happening.