17 September 2009

Interlude: Reading Recommendation

My friend Cathie recommended a series on John Mark Hicks' blog to me, and I'd like heartily to recommend the same set of posts to you.  Here's part of Hicks' introduction to the series:

Last January I began a series surveying the privilege of women to speak or their restricted silence within assemblies of Churches of Christ from 1897 to 1907. ... 
... The posts tract the varying positions of the Tennessee Tradition (the most conservative and influential on this issue), the Sommer (or Indiana) tradition (the most progressive and limited in influence), and the Texas Tradition (a strange mixture that ultimately merges in opinion with the Tennessee Tradition).
By the mid-20th century, Churches of Christ had silenced women in their assemblies except for singing and baptismal confessions as well as excluding them from teaching males in Bible classes.  But it was not always so among them. ...

I appreciated the historical perspective offered by these carefully researched posts, and if you're interested in the history of this stream of the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement, you don't want to miss these!

Find links to the first 4 posts here and the recent 5th post here.  Enjoy!

I'll continue my own posts soon...

1 comment:

Maiden of Insurrection said...

My dear, AJ told me of this series of posts you were undertaking. thank you for your courage and vulnerability. At such a time as this too. By the by, this link is tremendously enlightening! great suggestion Cathie.