03 February 2007

Here’s the trouble with blogging: the allure of pressing the “Publish” button before you’ve fully completed your thought.

This morning, my sister pointed out that my last post seemed a bit critical of Dad’s dinner table prayer. Janis pointed out what a soothing ritual Dad’s prayer is – the familiar words, their steady rhythm and intonation, the comforting sound of our father’s voice. What I meant to say is that what seemed like a stiff tradition in the days of my youth is now deeply meaningful and orienting to me. I should have said so from the beginning instead of assuming that my conclusions about the value of Roger and Jared’s ritual prayers would be read back into my dad’s. I hope some of you will one day sit at my father’s table and hear his daily prayer – he’ll even alter the usual form a bit and thank God for your presence with us.

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